Friday, January 18, 2013

Nanpwen is the same is "pa genyen"?

Nanpwen → there isn't, there aren't

1. Nanpwen montay li pa ka deplase.
    There's no mountain that he cannot move.

2. Wout la bloke.  Nanpwen mwayen pou nou pase.
    The road is blocked.  There's no way to get through.

3. Se li sèl ki tout espwa m.  Nanpwen lòt ankò.
    He's my only hope.  There's no other.

4.  Nanpwen klas jodi a.
     There's no class today.

5.  Nanpwen moun ki ka di ke w pa't eseye.
     No one can say that you didn't try.

6.  Nanpwen bagay mwen pi renmen pi plis pase yon bon fim womantik.
     There's nothing I like better than a good romantic movie.

7. Nanpwen okenn ray tren aktif Ayiti.
    There are no active railroads in Haiti.

8. Nanpwen pye pòm Ayiti. (just an example)
    There are no apple trees in Haiti.

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words