Monday, January 28, 2013

This a fair way translation? "Mwen panse, donk, mwen ye" "I think, therefore, I am" Also! How is that Creole chat coming? :)

Bèl bonjou zanmi :)
Grammatically, this translation is fair.  But it would make the best sense if we said, "Mwen panse, donk mwen egziste."

Re: CHAT, I mainly wanted to use it as a forum to chat principally about Creole, Haiti, Haitians, and ...Creole :).  My friends, which provide me with lots of Creole resources, wanted to gather once in a while and chat (in Creole).  The downside, I realized, is that I cannot prevent explicit stuffs or unwanted guest from entering.  So I have decided to do the forums TO BE ANNOUNCED ONLY.  You will only see the little CHAT box when we have a discussion coming.  And I've used it, by appointment only, with a couple of people who are learning Creole.  I hope I'm not being too discriminatory :-\.
Forums are not implemented yet.

Chapo ba!

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words


  1. Now, how can I learn French without getting everything muddled together? :)

    1. O O! mezanmi o! Se gwo tèt chaje wi :)

      I personally think that it would have been more beneficial to learn French first. But knowing Creole first does not help much, except perhaps for some of the vocabulary.

      I think there will be minimal "muddling" if you think of both languages as different and unique in their structure.

      Mwen swete w anpil kouray ak fyèl :)

  2. M te konmanse ak kreyòl lè m te aprann kèk mo, ekspresyon, elatriye. M vizite Ayiti depi 2004. Aprè sa, m te pran kèk kou franse nan inivèsite. EPI m t ap travay bò Ench, lè m konmanse aprann kreyòl toutbonvre. Men, si m va travay an Ayiti plis e li liv ak atik osije Ayiti, fòk m ka li ak pale franse pi byen. :) Se pou sa m rekonmanse etidye lang lan.

    Eske ou gentan resevwa liv Koleksyon Souf Nouvo sa yo? FOK ou li yo! M ta vle diskite yo ak yon moun! "Rete! Kote Lamèsi" se yon vre zèv.

    1. WOW! Kreyòl ou djanm nèt!
      Wi, mwen panse konesans Franse ap itil pou ou si ou vle viv ak travay Ayiti.
      Mwen pa kwè Franse a va ede Kreyòl ou, men mwen panse li va ede w byen navige ant save Ayisyen ki pale yon Kreyòl fransize ak Ayisyen ki pale Kreyòl rèk yo.

      Puiske ou gentan pran kèk lane Franse nan yon inivèsite, m imajinen rès la va vin fasil pou ou. Pa vre?

      Di mwen, zanmi m, eske ou jwenn ti konfizyon lè w'ap pale toude lang yo?

      Kanta pou liv yo, mwen ta renmen diskite yo avèk ou. Sa ta fè m plezi. Mwen gen yon zanmi m ki te ale Ayiti depi nan mwa desanm nan. Li te pwomèt mwen li va pase nan Libreri La Pleiade pou achte liv yo pou mwen. Li sipoze tounen nan dezyèm semenn fevriye a.

      Lè m resevwa liv yo, mwen va li Rete, Kote Lamèsi an premye. Mwen reyèlman pa ka tann pou m resevwa yo.
