Sunday, February 3, 2013

Mwen pa fouti dòmi (I'm unable to sleep) - Audio

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-Mwen pa fouti dòmi …
  I'm unable to sleep...  

- O O mezanmi! Ki moun k’ap frape pòt la?
   Oh my goodness! Who's knocking at the door?

-Vwazin! Se mwen menm.  Ouvè pòt la pou mwen silvouplè.
  Female Neighbor! It's me.  Open the door for me please.

-Bonswa vwazen. Ala yon vizit sipriz ou fè aswè a!
  Good evening male neighbor.  What a surprised visit you made tonight!

-Bonswa vwazin.
 Good evening neighbor.

-Kijan ou ye vwazen?
  How are you neighbor?

-Enben, mwen pa byen ditou ditou.
 Well, I am not well at all.

-O! Eske ou malad?
  Are you ill?

-Non vwazin.  M pa malad non.
 No neighbor. I'm not ill.

-O O! Eske ou pran move nouvèl?
 Did you get some bad news?

-Non vwazin, mwen pa resevwa move nouvèl.
  No neighbor, I didn't get any bad news.

-O O! Eske apatman ou gen pwoblèm?
 Is there a problem with your apartment?

-Non vwazin.  Apatman m pa gen okenn pwoblèm.
 No neighbor. There's no problem with my apartment.

-Men vwazen,  gwo lannuit sa a, ou vin frape pòt mwen.  Ou di m ou pa byen ditou.  Sa w genyen? 
 But neighbor, at this time of the night, you come knocking at my door.  You tell me that you are not well at all.  What's wrong?

-Vwazin, mwen pa byen paske mwen pa fouti dòmi avèk chen ou yo k’ap jape tout lannuit lan.
Neighbor, I'm no well because I'm unable to sleep with your dogs that are barking all night.

-O mezanmi eskize mwen.  Mwen pa’t reyalize si  chen m yo  t’ap anpeche w dòmi.  Mwen va fè yo rete silans.
 O dear I'm sorry.  I didn't realize that my dogs were keeping you from falling asleep.  I'll make them quiet down.

-Tanpri fè sa.  Mwen dwe al travay demen maten byen bonè e li preske minui.
 Please do that.  I must go to work really early tomorrow morning and it's almost midnight.

-Wi,  vwazen, ou p’ap tande yo ankò. E vwazen, kòm ou deja reveye, poukisa ou pa antre?  Enpi mwen ta fè yon bon ti te majolèn pou ou.  Mwen garanti w.  Sa va fè w dòmi tankou yon ti bebe.
 Yes neighbor, you won't hear them anymore.  And neighbor, since you're already awake, why don't you come in?  And I'll make some good oregano tea for you. I guarantee you.  It'll make you sleep like a baby.

- Vwazin, mwen fatige anpil.  Mwen dwe leve bonè demen.  Mwen sèlman bezwen  dòmi anpè. Tanpri, kontwole chen w yo…. enpi m'ava jwenn somèy. Bòn nui vwazin.
 Neighbor...  I'm really tired.  I must get up early tomorrow.  I simply need to sleep in peace.  Please control your dogs... And I 'll get some sleep.  Good night neighbor

-Dakò. Pase bòn nui vwazen.
 Okay.  Good night neighbor.

Listen to Manno Charlemagne's Organizasyon Mondyal yo

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words


  1. Thank you for this. I thought 'fouti' was bad.

  2. Where does this dialogue originate? (Is there an association with Manno Charlemagne?)

    1. No. No association with Mr. Charlemagne.
      Sorry for the confusion.

  3. What is the song at the end of this dialogue? Its so good!

    1. That's Manno Charlemagne's Òganizasyon Mondyal yo as noted

  4. As first time learner, this kind of audio is
    very good material.
    Very practical, and useful.

    Mesi anpil.

  5. AS first time learner, I like
    this audio set very much.
    Very practical and useful.
    감사합니다(kamsa hamnida) translates
    as "mesi anpil"

    1. Dakò!
      Kamsa hamnida :)

      I'm working to put more audio CONVERSATION in the next week.

      Kenbe la :)
