Monday, February 11, 2013

Neither...nor. 1)As subject:"Neither Paul nor Peter smokes." 2)As object:"He wants to drink neither tea or coffee." 3)With verb: "Keith neither drinks nor smokes nor takes drugs." 4)With preposition:"He is neither from Paris nor from London."

also see link for either ... or

Ni ... Ni → Neither ... nor, neither
A H. Creole negative sentence with "Ni ... Ni" may still include the negation "pa" which would be considered double negation in English.

(with prepositions)
1. Madanm nan t ap chache nan tout rakwen.  Ti bebe a pa't ni nan bèso l ni nan chèz li.
    The Lady was searching everywhere.  The baby was neither in his crib nor in his chair.

(with subjects)
2. Mwen pa't ka jwenn non aktè a sou entènèt la.  Ni Google ni Bing pa't mansyone l.
    I couldn't find the name of the actor on the internet.  Neither Google nor Bing had mentioned him.

3. "Ni Pyè ni Pòl pa fimen."
    "Neither peter nor Paul smokes."

(with objects)
4. "Li pa sot ni Pari ni Lond."
    "He is neither from Paris nor from London."

(with adjectives)
5. Lè diktatè a te mouri, pèp la pa te ni kontan ni tris.
    When the dictator died, the people were neither happy nor sad.

6. Lang Kreyòl Ayisyen an pa ni konplike ni senp. Pou w aprann li pi vit, se pratike konvèsasyon ki konte.
    The Haitian Creole language is neither complicated nor simple.  To learn it faster, it's practicing conversations that counts.

(with verbs)7. Se pawòl serye m'ap pale wi.  M p'ap ni bay blag ni egzajere.
    I am being serious.  I am neither joking nor exaggerating.

Ni ... Ni → Neither, neither one

8. Mwen pa bwè kafe onswa te.  M pa renmen ni youn ni lòt.
    I don't drink coffee or tea.  I like neither.

9. Kilès nan machin yo ou te chwazi? Mwen p'at chwazi ni youn ni lòt.
    Which one of the cars did you choose?  I chose neither.

10. Nattie ak Fanfan pa te al nan dans lan paske ni youn ni lòt pa't konn danse.
    Nattie ak Fanfan didn't go to the dance because neither of them know how to dance.

Ni ... ni → Both ... and 
11. Sèjousi ni dantis ni famasyen se bon chwa pou yon metye.
    These days both dentistry and pharmacology are good choices for a career.

12. Jou premye Janvye 1804 la, ni esklav ni moun lib te selebre yon nouvo espwa pou peyi a.
     On that day of January 1st, 1804, both slave and free people celebrated new hope for the country.

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words


  1. So how would you write #11 to be:

    These days _neither_ dentistry _nor_ pharmacology are good choices for a career.

    1. I would say: Sèjousi, ni dantis ni famasyen pa yon bon chwa pou yon metye
