Sunday, March 31, 2013

Lik 7:30 Men, farizyen yo ak dirèktè lalwa yo te refize sa Bondye te vle fè pou yo; se sak fè yo pa t' kite Jan Batis batize yo. ( Can you translate into English version ?) Kamsa hamnida

Se sa'k fè (contraction for Se sa ki fè) means That is why, This is why, it's for this reason
See this link about Se Sa'k Fè

Men  | Farizyen yo     | ak    | dirèktè     | lalwa yo | te refize |
but     | the pharisees  | and  | directors  | the laws  | refused 

sa      |  Bondye    |te vle      | fè      |pou yo; 
what   |  God          |  wanted  | do     | for them   

se sak fè     |  yo pa t'        | kite            |Jan Batis             | batize yo.
This is why   | they did not  | let  / permit | John the Baptist  | baptize them.

"Men, Farizyen yo ak dirèktè lalwa yo te refize sa Bondye te vle fè pou yo; se sak fè yo pa t' kite Jan Batis batize yo." 
"But the Pharisees and the directors of laws declined/refused what God wanted to do for them; it's for this reason they did not let John the Baptist baptize them."

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words

1 comment:

  1. Wow !
    Mesi anpil anpil !
    ( Can you please introduce one popular chlidren's song
    - meaning that "I can do" or "we can do" ?
    With audio , (kamsa hamnida)
