Friday, March 22, 2013

Madanm Mandaly, What is the Kreyol equivalent to the French "comme si comme sa" (so so)? I am not sure if my French is correct, but I think you know what I am saying. Such as in French "au contraire" to Kreyol "okontre". In Spanish it is "asi asi"

A Haitian Creole equivalent to "comme ci comme ça" is konsa konsa.
In Haitian Creole, it would mean so so, not too bad, or ... mediocre

We can use "konsa konsa" to say "not too good, not too bad" or "just average"
-Kisa ou panse osijè fim ou sot wè a? (what do you think of the movie you just saw?)
-M pa't tèlman renmen l.  M panse li te konsa konsa. (I didn't like it much.  I thought it was so so.)

Kijan ou ye? (How are you?)
Ou konnen... tout bagay ap mache konsa konsa. (Yo know ....everything is  going so so)

"yon gason / fanm konsa konsa" might mean "a poor, insignificant, not important person"
Pa pèdi tan w avèk medam sa yo.  Yo renmen lajan.  Yo p'ap marye ak nenpòt gason konsa konsa non.
Don't waste time with those girls.  They love money.  They will not marry just any guy.

"yon fanm konsa konsa" might mean "an easy, lower class, sleazy woman:
Misye te panse m te yon fanm konsa konsa.
He thought I was an easy woman.

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words

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