Friday, April 26, 2013

In one of your previous posts, I learned a new expression 'ti tak'. .....

In one of your previous posts, I learned a new expression 'ti tak'.
It pushed me to make a list of other expressions that express the same
meaning,which I have collected:
ti kal, ti zing, ti gout, ti moso, ti kras, ti
bab, ti chikèt, ti(yon) filèt, ti lougal, ti (yon)kwendak, ti pwèlyèm, ti yota,
ti yik, ti tak
. I know that haitian creole is a rich language; so, are there
other expressions of small quantity that exist that is not on that list? I feel
like there are more; I hope there are more.

Of course, there's always more in Creole :)
I wish I knew them all.  The more you travel to different regions of the country, the more you'll learn.
I'll add a few to your list:
ti lòsyè
ti kraze
ti krabinay
ti zuit
I think they also say piti piti zuit

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words

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