Tuesday, April 16, 2013

School words and terms in Haitian Creole - "M we w' te fe yon lis nan mo odinate. Eske w kapab fe yon lis mo lekol? Thanks!"

achievement siksè
algebra   aljebra
arithmetic  arithmetic
athletic field teren espò
backpack  Sakodo
bad grades  move nòt
to have bad grades  fè move nòt
bell  klòch
blackboard  tablo
book   liv
book bag sak lekòl, valiz lekòl
Bully  elèv k’ap anmède yon lòt
to bully entimide
cafeteria kafeterya, kantin
Calculator kalkilatris
chalk lakrè
chemistry chimi
class klas
classmate kondisip klas, zanmi lekòl
classroom sal klas
colored pencils  kreyon koulè
computer òdinatè
computer science  syans enfòmatik
course kou, klas
day care center gadri
desk biwo
detention pinisyon
dismiss a student  ranvwaye yon elèv
drill egzèsis
eraser efas kreyon, gòm
essays  redaksyon
examination egzamen
fail echwe
Final exam  egzamen final
First day of school   premye jou lekòl
flunk a class  echwe yon klas
friend zanmi
geography jewografi
glue  lakòl
good grades    bon nòt
to have good grades    fè bon nòt
grade class
first grade premye ane
second grade dezyèm ane
third grade twazyèm ane
grammar gramè
gym klas jimnastik
highlighter souliyè
history  istwa
holiday konje
homework devwa
honor roll  tablo onè
ink  lank
laboratory  laboratwa
Last day of school  dènye jou lekòl
library   bibliyotèk
Literature  literati
lockers  kazye
lunch box bwat lunch, bwat manje
mathematics  matematik
music mizik
name tag  pòtnon, etikèt idantifikasyon
notebook  kaye
notes nòt
nursery  jadendanfan
paper  papye
pass pase, reyisi
Did you pass the class?  Eske ou  te reyisi?
pen  plim
pencil    kreyon
pencil sharpener tay kreyon
physics fizik
playground  lakou rekreyasyon
principal (female)   direktris
principal (male) direktè
principal’s office   direksyon, biwo direksyon
private school  lekòl prive
public school  lekòl piblik, lekòl leta
quiz        ti egzamen
reading lekti
recess   rekreyasyon
register for class anwole nan yon klas
registrar’s office biwo enskripsyon
repeat a class  double yon klas
report card  kanè eskolè
roll call apèl
take attendance, to do roll call  fè apèl
ruler règ
schedule of classes orè klas
School bus Bis lekòl la
school nurse enfimyè lekòl la
school supplies founiti klasik
school year  ane eskolè
science syans
semester semès
social sciences   syans sosyal
Spanish espanyòl
speech deba
spelling òtograf
student elèv
studies etid
Your studies come first.  Etid gen plis enpòtans.
subject (of study) matyè
summer vacation  grand vakans
tardy  anreta
teacher  pwofesè, mèt
team     ekip
teamwork  travay angroup
test  tès
the school curriculum     pwogram lekòl la
the school principal  direktè lekòl la (male)
the school principal direktris lekòl la (female)
To learn aprann
to study etidye
To teach anseye, edike, fòme
trigonometry trigonometri
tuition   ekolaj
tutoring  leson patikilye
writing  ekriti

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words


  1. Ala kontan mwen kontan! Lis-la awesome! Mèsi mèsi anpil anpil. Kounye la menm m' ap ekri yon pwogram lekti ki sèvi ak fonik pou anseye timoun pou li an Kreyòl epi m' ap vwayaje nan Ayiti (Lebrun) ète ki ap vini-a pou mete pwogram-nan sou pye epi lis sa-a ala bon li bon (did I say that right?). Li pral ede-m anpil anpil. Mèsi mèsi!

    M bezwen poze ou yon lòt kesyon. Ki sa ki 'periode de control'? M' te li li sou kalandriye-a ki sòti nan Ministre de l'Éducation men m' pa t ka kalkile ki sa li vle di.

    Ankò. Mèsi!

    1. Yes you said it right :)

      M panse yon pwogram konsa ta byen itil. M'espere lekòl Ayiti yo va itilize pwogram sa a sou yon nivo nasyonal.
      Nou bezwen anpil liv lekti pou Klas kindergarten ak Premye ane. Sa nou genyen yo kounye a pa ase.

      Periode de contrôle → period of regulation or qualification.

      Through Facebook, I have also asked my friend who is the principal of two schools in Haiti if there is more to this term on the Education arena. I'll update with another comments if his answer comes back with more info.

  2. This is the answer I got straight from the source from Facebook messaging:

    I guess he means "They are exams done, per period of time, to evaluate students. The exams are initiated by the schools."

  3. Mèsi pou reponn-ou. Sa pral ede-m anpil anpil.

  4. ".....Mèsi pou repons ou..." instead of "...Mèsi pou reponn ou...."

    Dakò :)
