Saturday, May 11, 2013

Èske w te ka di mwen ki sa vle di mo sa yo...

 1. devègwòn (from French "vergogne") unscrupulous, shameless, dishonest 

2. monte desann (use as verb or noun) labor the ups and down, hustling and bustling, be very busy with activities
    a. Depi maten m'ap monte desann nan lari a, men m pa regle anyen ditou.
        I've being very busy since this morning, but I haven't done anything really.

    b.  Mezanmi o! Se pa ti monte desann mwen te fè non, anvan magazen an resi ranbouse m lajan m. 
         Mezanmi!  It's not little labor I had to do for the store to finally refund me my money.
         Geez, I had to jump through hoops before the store finally refunded me my money.

3. Tonnè! (literally "thunder") (or Tonnè boule, Tonnè kraze, Tonnè krizous, Tonnè krizbòt, Fout tonnè!) → "swear cuss word"
     Tonnè boule m, m'ap regle avè w pou sa.
      I swear, I'll get back at you for that.

4. fè dibyen or fè byen  (French "faire du bien") →to do good deeds
     Misye se te yon nèg ki te fè anpil dibyen.
     He was a good man who did a lot of goods.

5. fè dimal or fè mal (French "faire du mal")  → to do s.o. wrong

6. deng (dengonn, dengòt) → ass
     Si w rate yon peman machin, kreditè pral kole nan deng ou, yo pa'p ba w souf non.
    If you miss a car payment, creditors will be right up your buttock, they won't let you breathe.

7. dengòt (same as deng)

8. bwachat (ale bwachat) → to die
    L'al bwachat.
    She died.

9. blofè n. → liar, deceiver
    blòf n. → lie, deception
    blofe, bay blòf → to deceive, to lie
   Pa kwè anyen li di w.  S'on blofè li ye.
   Don't believe anything he says to you.  He's a liar.

10. granpanpan → snobbish, pompous, showimg off
     Li pa menm gen lajan enpi l'ap fè granpanpan.
     He doesn't even have money, and he's being pretentious.

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words


  1. Se bon post la bon! Mèsi.

    Ki jan ou di 'post' tankou 'blog post'?
