Sunday, May 26, 2013

How well do you understand people from Dominica and St. Lucia? We use ni(to have) instead of gen We also use (ka) different. Mwen ka manjé (I am eating) Jus curious...

That's interesting.
I speak neither of these Creoles.
I do understand most of the St. Lucian Creole, but I haven't heard the Dominica's.
Is the Dominica's French-based?

Mèsi :)
Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words


  1. Yes our creole is french based. Very similar to that of st lucia or martinique/guadeloupe. There are many Haitians living in dominica, and they communicate in creole with us without any problem!

    Ou ni pou vizit domnik pitet, moun ka pale kwéyòl toutpatou!

    Mèsi pou wepons ba mwen.

    1. Dakò mèsi :)
      Mwen ta renmen vizite Dominica yon jou.

      Mwen gen yon frè mwen ki te abite Dominica pou yon ti tan pandan madanm li t'a prale lekòl laba a.

    2. Ka ou fè louavazin,Loved this post I am guadeloupean and also enjoy comparing the creoles of the islands, listening to zouk compas gwoka what have you. the cultures really are quite similar . I also learned Trinidad has a French Creole which is exactly like that of Martinique and intelligible, it is in decline but some still try to keep it alive Mandaly you are doing such a great job I enjoy learning more about Haitian Creole. Tchimbe ich moin

    3. Mèsi anpil.
      Mwen twouve tout Kreyòl Karayib la enteresan anpil anpil.
      Mwen kontan tande w:) Kenbe la.

  2. egalement Mandaly ebien moin te kontan twouve liv ou nan bel bagay!

    Moun ka wouve zye vwe ka lang sa lève wi, za moun ka make y lekol y yo poubliye gwo liv e roman adan y .ou bat fò pou fè progwé nan lang nou komé. mesi

    1. Dakò, mèsi anpil.
      Piblikasyon woman, dokimantè, pwezi, ak anpil lòt pwojè literè, se pi wo avansman nan lang Kreyòl la.
      Yo montre ke lang lan gen anpil kapasite.
