Thursday, May 2, 2013

Kisa vle di gripe?

gripe (or gen grip) → to have a cold

You can say:
Mwen gripe
Mwen gen yon grip.
I have a cold.

Doktè a ban m remèd pou grip la.
The doctor gave me medication for the cold.

Mwen wè ou gripe depi de semèn.  Eske ou te pran anyen pou li?
I see that you've had a cold for two weeks?  Have you taken anything for it?

Also the word anrimen (or anrime) means to have a head cold, to be congested
Ti bebe a anrimen.  Sa lakòs li pa't ka dòmi yèswa.
The baby was congested.  He couldn't sleep last night because of it.

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English

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