Sunday, July 28, 2013

can you explain DIRE in KOM KI DIRE

dire, here, mean to say

kòm ki dire - as if to say, that is to say, seemingly
and you'll also see it here:  andire (an dire, ondire, an dire ke)
and you'll also find too:  moun ta di, ou ta di → one would say

1. Andire pitit vwazen an ansent.
    It seems (it looks) as if the neighbor's daughter is pregnant.

2. Andire l pral fè lapli toutalè.
    Seems like it's going to rain soon.

3. Li gade m ak yon move rega, kòm ki dire m te fè yon bagay ki mal.
    She gave me a bad look as if I did something wrong.

4. Ti gason an ap manje.  Li kenbe asyèt la byen di.  Moun ta di li pa't manje depi yon semèn enpi li pè pou yo pa rale asyèt la nan men l.
    The boy is eating.  He's holding on firmly to his plate.  One would say that he hasn't eaten in a week and he's afraid they'll yank the plate from him.

5. Jan m wè w'ap pale a, andire ou fache.
    From the way you're talking, it seems as if you're angry.

6.  Jan m wè bagay yo la a, andire nou p ap rive.
     From the looks of things, it seems like we're not going to make it.

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words


  1. In number 4 is that supposed to be "yo va" rather than "yo pa"?

    1. non, it's "yo pa".

      ...pou yo pa... → in order for them not to .....

  2. Can 'sedike', 'setadi', and 'otremandi' be part of this group too? If not, which one(s) does not belong in it?

  3. sèdike, and sètadi, and you can add sa vle di means ... this means that, this means, which means, or it means

    otremandi would mean in other words

    they are different than andire ke and kòm ki dire

    Dakò :)
