Thursday, July 25, 2013

What are words for 'breakfast', 'brunch', 'lunch', 'dinner', 'supper', 'snack time'(if such a word for that exist) in creole? How does one say 'snack' and 'midnight snack' in creole?

breakfast - dejene, dejennen, ti dejene, dekoupe kòpyèz
lunch - lunch, manje midi
dinner - dine
supper - soupe
to have a snack - fè yon ti goute, pran yon ti soloba, pase yon bagay bò bouch ou.
meal - repa, manje, dine

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words


  1. Mandaly,

    I have learned that breakfast is "manje maten".
    I know there are different ways to say it, but
    is manje maten correct for breakfast?
    Also, is "lunch" in Kreyol from english? And
    in Kreyol, how is the "u" pronounced; like the
    French "u"? Mesi.

    1. Absolutely you can say manje maten oubyen dejene, dejennen, etc....

      Yes, we do say "lunch". The "un" is pronouced like the French "un" (the number).

  2. Can 'brekfast' be included in the category of breakfast? What of 'brunch'? So could one say 'manje aswè' or 'manje sware' ou 'manje lanwit' for 'diner' or 'supper'? Concerning lunch, it is true that Haitians say lunch with the 'un' sound but it is spelled 'luntch' not 'lunch' because the ch in creole has that sh sound that one hears in English. The tch in creole has the sound of the first two letters in the English word 'check'. That is why lunch is spelled luntch. Sometimes, I would hear Haitians say 'lontch' as well. Lastly, does 'soloba' and 'goute' mean 'snack' and can 'kolasyon', 'anka', and 'snak' be used to mean 'snack' as well? Feel free to include all words(nouns and verbs) related to all these words mentioned.

    1. I see that you here a lot of "Creo-glish" in your area. That is awesome :)
      Since "brunch" is a word made of the combination of the English words "breakfast" and "lunch", we will not find this word in Creole; unless someone wants to DEJENE and MANJE MIDI together :)

      Yes, you will find different spelling in Creole for words that are derived from other languages (and more).
      You are right there are many English-derived words that take on a Creole spelling. Ex: wikenn, sobwe, fòkòp, etc....

      I haven't used the words "kolasyon" or "anka", but I have used 'snack', 'goute', 'lasibab'.

  3. It is true that Haitians say 'snak' and 'goute' but 'lasibab' is a new one(for me at least). I just found out in a haitian english dictionary that 'lasibab' means leftover food, scraps, or food(general). Does 'lasibab' mean 'snack' because you use it as such? As for leftover food and scraps, what are some synonyms for them? I also just found out that the verb 'kolasyonnen(from kolasyon)' means to have or eat breakfast. What do you think of it? By the way, including this word 'fòkòp' the the list is funny. I am starting to become a nuisance by asking more questions are this topic.

  4. You are not a nuisance :) ---
    Now you are funny :) LOL!

    Where I come from (in my family), people use the word "lasibab" as a little snack.
    Yes, it does mainly mean "leftover food

    I have also heard Haitians use the word "yèstède", "manje dòmi" for "leftovers"

    I have heard 'kolasyon' a few times, but it would not be my first choice when translating the word 'breakfast' in Creole. I usually will use word that the general population use ALL or MOST of the time.
    But it's also a very good word to know :)

    Mèsi anpil.
    Pase bon dimanch.
