Monday, August 5, 2013

how do you translate "drese" in English as in drese yon tab OR drese yon plan OR "drese yon bilan pozitif" ? These examples are the ones I have made a note of. It seems to have a different meaning in each of these. Thanks

drese - to prepare, to set up, to erect/build

drese yon tab - to set up the table
drese yon plan - to prepare/set up a plan
"drese yon bilan pozitif" - to set up /prepare a positive statement
drese yon poto - to erect a pole
drese yon plat manje - to prepare a plate of food
drese kò w - sit up straight
drese yon timoun - discipline a child, to refine the child, to rear the child in a strict or disciplinary way.

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words

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