Sunday, August 4, 2013

Mandaly, In the Kreyol sentence "Konbyen moun ki genyen nan fanmi ou?" And then the response "Gen sis moun." Is "mwen or m" in "Gen sis moun." understood and that is why "mwen" is left out? Or am I off with this? Also should this sentence be "Gen si moun?" I have learned to drop the "s" in sis, and dis, and the "t" in uit when using monetary terms (goud ak dolar). Does this hold true to the above sentence? Lately I have been exposed to more and more sentences which do not drop these letters (s ak t). I thought it was more popular to drop these letters in numbers? Am I wrong? Mesi anpil Jan Rachal

Sorry, I took some time answering your question.  I was away.
I am back home now :)

There's no "mwen" or "m" in that sentence as it is:
"Gen" stands for there is, there are, is there or are there

Konbyen moun ki genyen nan fanmi ou?
How many people that there are in your family (literally)
How many people are there in your family?

Gen sis moun.
Genyen sis moun.
There are six people

I would not drop the last letter here.
We do drop the last letter when using monetary terms, but some people do not drop it.

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words

1 comment:

  1. Mandaly,

    Dako. Mwen konprann li konpletman! Ou se
    pi bon!


    Jan Rachal
