Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pou ki sa ou di "ANNOU ALE" (Let's go) and then "KITE M KONNEN" (Let me know). Why can't you say "ANNOU KONNEN" for LET ME KNOW?

Let us and let me are two different things.  Aren't they?

Let us (Let's) [sort of a command] in Haitian Creole is Annou, Ann, and sometimes Kite nou
pa egzanp:

1. Let's meet later.
    Annou rankontre pita.

2. Let's help them
    Ann ede yo

3. Let's pray.
   Annou lapriyè.

4. Let's get it done.
    Kite nou fini l.

It is different form Let me (permit me)

5. Let her come in.
    Kite l antre.

6. Let me see it.
    Kite m wè l.

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words

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