Monday, December 2, 2013

I saw a poster here in Haiti today. It was published by UNICEF about children's rights. It was a ...

I saw a poster here in Haiti today. It was published by UNICEF about  children's rights. It was a mixture of French and Creole. The bottom half of the poster had the "alphabet" of children's rights. I was unable to understand these two: K comme Kif kif - Tous les enfants sont égoux en droit. Y comme Yanvalou - L'enfant a droit à sa propre culture. Can you help me understand these? Especially kif kif and yanvalou.

K comme kif kif - Tous les enfants sont egaux en droit.
K as in kif kif - All children have equal rights
kif kif is  French for equal, same

Y comme Yanvalou - L'enfant a droit à sa propre culture.
Y as in Yanvalou - The child has rights to have his own culture
Yanvalou - cultural Haitian dance

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words

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