Thursday, January 30, 2014

Ki sa mo yo "clothespin" e "clothespins" an Kreyol Ayisyen? Mesi anpil.

clothespin - pens, pens pou tann rad
clothespins - pens yo, pens pou tann rad

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words


  1. Should not I have said: Ki sa ki mo yo "pens" e "pens yo" an Kreyol Ayisyen? Oswa: An Kreyol Ayisyen ki sa ki mo yo "pens" e "pens yo"?
    Se vre? Is this a correct Kreyol sentence? Mesi bokou.

  2. Bonjou Mr. Rachal,

    The way you originally had it was good.
    you could have written, Kisa mo "clothespin" ak "clothespins" ye an Kreyol? - What are the words "clothespin" and "clothespins" in Creole?

    Your second choice would have worked too. You could have written it this way:
    "An Kreyol Ayisyen, kisa mo "pens" ak "pens yo" ye? - In Haitian Creole, what are the words "pens" and "pens yo"?

  3. Mandaly. One last question on the "e" and "avek, ak" usages. Am I able in Creole to use "ak" over "e" most of the time? It seems that Haitian Creoles
    do this for the most part. I am curious, why is this? Mesi bokou.

    1. There are a few Haitian Creole translations for the English word “and”
      And” can be translated as E, AK, AVÈ, EPI, ENPI, EPITOU,
      We tend to use AK, AVÈ, or AVÈK when connecting words and group of words:

      Jean and PaulJan ak Pòl
      the sun and the moon. - Solèy ak lalin
      a man and a woman - Yon gason ak yon fanm
      You and I Mwen ak ou or Mwen menm ak ou
      I like rice and beansMwen renmen diri ak pwa

      We tend to use “E” when connecting or adding clauses and when joining sentences.
      I like you and I want to marry you. Mwen renmen w e m vle marye avè w.
      I am tired and hungry mwen grangou e m fatige
      He never taught Creole, and to tell you the truth, I’m not sure he even speak the language. – Li pa’t janm anseye Kreyòl, e pou di w laverite, m pa fin sèten li menm pale lang lan.

      Epi / Epitou / E can translate “and, and then, also, as well as”
      The guy is tall, handsome, and he’s rich, why won’t you marry him? Nèg la gen bèl tay, li bo gason, enpi li rich, poukisa w pa vle marye avè l?

      Click on this link for more examples. It’ll take you to about 6 more posts about “and” and its translation in H. Creole:The many ways to say AND in Haitian Creole
