Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Eske m pwononse sa kòrèk? Eske m di sa bon? Are these proper translations of “Did I pronounce that correctly?” and “Did I say that right?” Are there better ways of asking this?

The first one is correct.  In the second sentence I’d say “byen” instead of “bon”.
Eske m di sa byen? – Did I say this correctly?
Eske m byen di l? – Did I say it correctly?
Eske m byen pale? – Am I right?
Men wi, ou di l byen. – Certainly you said it well.
Men wi ou kòrèk. – Yes you are correct.

Wi ou byen pale. – Yes you’re right

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words

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