Thursday, February 26, 2015

The word maybe in francais is petet. Is the creole word poutet sa the same expression as maybe?

Non it's not the same.
poutèt sa or pousa - ...the reason why

Misye wont fanmi l se poutèt sa li pa janm kite yo konnen kote l'abite.
Misye wont fanmi l se pousa li pa janm kite yo konnen kote l'abite
He is ashamed of his family that's why he doesn't let them know where he lives.

Mwen te bliye se te fèt ou jodi a, eske se poutèt sa ou fache konsa a?
Mwen te bliye se te fèt ou jodi a, eske se pousa ou fache konsa a?
I forgot it was your birthday today, is it why you're so angry?

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words

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