Wednesday, March 4, 2015

This is interesting as I noticed when I lived in Haiti that there is often a pretty wide variation in pronunciation because of location, class, and the casualness of....

Anonymous says:
"This is interesting as I noticed when I lived in Haiti that there is often a pretty wide variation in pronunciation because of location, class, and the casualness of conversation, not to mention the natural shift in pronunciation over time. Take for example the word 'bagay.' in my experience the 'g' is dropped more often than not. But it is never spelled 'baay.' Sometimes the first vowel is dropped, too, so that it is pronounced 'bay.' For example, 'ou wè bay la m fenk achte?' Do you think that we are starting to see a drift between written and spoken Creole, where written Creole isn't actually purely phonetic? "

Mandaly says: We'll see. time will tell.

The same thing happens to 'janm" where some Haitians drop the "j" and it sounds like an "h"
Kote w ye m pa janm wè w konsa?

This also happens to the g in  "gason"
Kote ti gason sa a prale?


Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words

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