Sunday, April 5, 2015

Hello, I know that "evanwi/evanoui" means to faint or to pass out. However, what are other words or verbal phrases or synonyms for "to faint" in creole?...

You said:
Hello, I know that "evanwi/evanoui" means to
faint or to pass out.  However, what are other words or verbal phrases or
synonyms for "to faint" in creole?
Examples, "He always faints at the sight of
blood." or "She almost fainted from the pain." or  "I thought he'd faint when I
kissed him."

Mandaly says:
We say endispoze, fè endispozisyon, or pèdi konesans in H. Creole.

Li endispoze
Li fè yon endispozisyon
Li pèdi konesans

I have never used evanoui - it sounds French

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