Sunday, May 17, 2015

Mandaly, with Haitian Flag Day approaching it’s nice to hear of all the preparations being made for the celebration. Will you be celebrating in Haiti or in the USA?

Hi. I’ll be in the US. It’s definitely a privilege to commemorate Haitian Flag day in a foreign land. It’s a great experience. Although I’ve lived in the US for some years and feel at home there, I’m always surprised to be overcome by this wave of pride when I see my country’s flag erected on foreign soil. The emotions range from feeling patriotic, and then that of belonging and then euphoria when all I see before me is the colors and symbol that unites us as a people and smell our food and hear our music. The ambience is unreal! I’m pretty sure other Haitians have done it; just losing themselves in the ambiance, blinking really quickly to be transported back home for a few seconds. Celebrating Haitian Flag Day together, whether it’s in Florida, Massachusetts, New York, Canada or France is a great reminder of who we are, how far we’ve come as a Haitian people and the work that lies ahead in order to make Haiti a successful country.
L'union Fait La Force

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