Wednesday, June 10, 2015

"Alo! Mwen rele Matt, e premye, m'vle di mèsi pou leson sa yo. M'te.....

Matt says:
"Alo! Mwen rele Matt, e premye, m'vle di
mèsi pou leson sa yo. M'te komanse aprann Kreyol denye Out e w'ap ede'm anpil.
Mwen pa jamn te panse m'ta aprann Kreyol, men menage'm se yon famn Ayisiyen e
m'vle pale avè fanmi'l!

Antouka, m'gen yon kesyon ke okenn moun ka reponn.
Kile mwen ta dwe itilize "bon", e kile mwen ta dwe itilize "byen"? Pou yon
egzanp: "Sa bon" oswa "mache byen". Eske gen yon règ ke m'ka aprann pou mo sa

Mèsi anpil! Bondye beni'w."

Mandaly says:

Dakò zanmi. Mèsi.

bon is an adjective and is used to describe something that fits, that is excellent, fine, correct, pleasurable, acceptable, tasty, or someone that’s got skills, etc…

1. Li bon. – It’s good /pleasurable/ enjoyable/acceptable.
2. Manje a te bon. – The food was tasty.
3. Misye bon nan kreyòl la. – He’s good at speaking Creole.
4. Van an bon la a. – The breeze is excellent here.
5. Pwofesè a te di ke devwa li a pa bon, li dwe refè l. – The teacher said that his homework was unacceptable, he must redo it.

You’ll also see bon in expressions such as:
bon mache - cheap
tout bon - true, real
bon kouraj - be brave, brave
Se bon pou... - se bon pou yo -They got what they asked for (they deserve what's coming to them)
Se bon pou ou - You deserve what's coming to you

Byen can be an adjective or adverb and translate fine, well; being in a happy, fortunate, flourishing state, etc…
6. Nou byen. – We are fine, we are doing well
7. Li byen lakay mwen an.  – He’s well / doing great at my house

byen is also used to translate very, so, quite
8. M byen kontan ou pa te ale. – I’m very happy that you didn’t go.
9. An nou viv byen youn ak lòt. – Let’s live well together.
10. Ou byen konnen m pa renmen sa, malgre sa ou te fè li kanmenm. – You know very well that I don’t like it, still you did it anyway.
11. M pran yon bèl so devan tout moun. M te byen wont. – I took a hard tumble in front of everyone. I was quite embarrassed.

byen also translates to be friends, to be on good terms
12. An nou byen. – Let’s be friends
13. M pa byen avè w. – I’m not your friend.
14. De moun sa yo pa janm byen. Yo toujou ap goumen. – These two people are never on good terms. They’re always fighting.

byen also translates abundance, possessions, wealth
15. Ti moun sa yo rich kounye a. Papa yo mouri kite anpil byen pou yo.

These kids are rich now. Their father died and left them a lot of wealth.

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words

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