Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Bonjou Mandaly, Toudabò, mèsi anpil pou blog ou! Blog ou ap ede m’ anpil anpil pandan mwen ap aprann krèyol. Men, mwen gen yon keyson .....

You said:
"Bonjou Mandaly, 
Toudabò, mèsi anpil
pou blog ou! Blog ou ap ede m’ anpil anpil pandan mwen ap aprann krèyol. Men,
mwen gen yon keyson pou w. Mwen konnen ou pa itilize mo a « nan » ak mo yo kòm
«lakay » e « lekòl » paske mo a gen yon « la » ou byen « le » nan yo. Poukisa ou
pa itilize nan sitiyason sa yo ? Mwen panse mwen konfonn ak ki jan ou itilize
prepozisyon yo lè ou vle di «at, to, in »? Si ou ka eksplike sa a pou mwen, mwen
pral anpil kontan. Mèsi anpil ! P.S. Mwen regrèt pou gramè mwen. Mwen ap aprann
krèyol pou sèlman kèk semèn. Si ou te resevwa keyson sa a, souplè ban m’ yon 
lyen pou yon repons. Mèsi!"

Mandaly says:
Bonjou zanmi!
For someone who's been learning Creole for just a few weeks, you're doing amazingly well. I encourage you to continue learning Creole. I hope to hear from you again ... in Creole :)

Here are a few links of posts with explanations of how to translate sentences from English to H. Creole, when they have the prepositions “at, to, in”:

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words

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