Thursday, March 17, 2016

Hi Mandaly, what's the reference here? bet mouri kite mize pou pwal (or po)? thanks

I think is bèf (with an accented "e" and an "f" at the end) mouri kite mizè (with an accented "e") pou po (instead of pwal) li.

bèf mouri kite mizè pou po li - some people may have different meaning for this, but my grandmother used it to refer to what happens to this animal's hide after death. The hide is used in drum, whip, stool, floor mat fabrication and many other things.  She especially says it to refer to many beatings sustained by the drum's or conga's head.

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words

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