Tuesday, March 8, 2016

what is the difference between "mwen sonje ou" and "'mwen manke ou"?

They both supposed to mean I miss you.
But the difference is if someone says Mwen sonje w, you know that they are 100% Haitian natif natal speaking our beloved Creole. If they say Mwen manke w, then they are definitely some fake Haitian who mistakesFrench for Creole. Be careful, those are the types of people that will give you Nana for Sizàn.

Bay Nana pou Sizàn (literally to give Nana for Suzanne) means to give someone an imitation product instead of the real thing, it also means to be a sham or to try to trick someone.

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words


  1. Hello, Mwen sonje w can be ambiguous because it can mean "I miss you" or "I remember you". Of course context lends a helping hand in letting you which one to use, but that is not always the case. So, what would be other words that mean "to miss someone" and others words that mean "to remember someone"?

  2. Mwen sonje w would be the best term, unless you want to be crafty and say things like Ou nan kè m, M ap panse a ou, ets.

    I've used that sentence in both ways, and have heard people use it both ways, and there's usually no confusion. I haven't experienced or witness any.
    You can also use raple for recall.

    Mwen raple m. - I recall
    Mwen pa raple m. - I don't recall.

  3. sonje- sa vlè di "remember" an Domnik, Gwada, Matnik, SentLisi
    mankè/mantjè- sa vlè di "miss" or "almost"
    sa byèn entewesan pou vwè an Ayiti zòt ka sevi mo-sala difewan mannyè
