Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Making Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is an essential part of the Haitian Cuisine when
preparing mixed rice.  Nevertheless if you're on
a low-fat diet, you may skip it.  Coconut milk
is high in saturated fat.
Minus the coconut milk, your mixed rice will taste just as delicious.

Breaking a coconut.
Sometimes I use a hammer to break a coconut.  And sometimes I
go to a concrete spot in my backyard and throw the coconut
to the hard surface with force.
When you break the coconut, the clear liquid that comes out is
called coconut juice or coconut water.

The coconut flesh should look fresh and crispy, otherwise
take it back to the grocery store for your money back.
Use a knife around the edge of the coconut flesh to
detach it from the hard shell.  When  preparing the
coconut milk, use big pieces if you'll
grate the coconut.  But if you're going to use a blender
cut the flesh into small pieces so you don't ruin your kitchen equipment.

I find it convenient to prepare the flesh in a blender.  Just add water.
When I didn't have electricity in Haiti, I grated the
coconut flesh.  Great exercise for my arms!

Strain the blended coconut.  You may discard the residue
or use it for your muffin recipes.
Use the milk to prepare your mixed rice.

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