Friday, July 29, 2011

How to begin and end a letter in Haitian Creole

There isn't just one way to do this.  But here's a few suggestions:

29 Jiyè 2011
July 29th, 2011

          Start letter with
          Monchè Jean My dear John
          Machè Jeanne My dear Jane
          Gwo kout chapo Hello! (Hats off!)
          Onè… Respè! Hello! (Honor and respect)
          Pou zanmi mwen, Jean To my friend, John
          Cheri mwen, My darling,
          Cheri kè mwen, To the darling of my heart
          Jackie cheri Dear Jackie

State the purpose of the letter.
Mwen kontan gen chans ekri ou jodi a.
I'm glad to have the chance to write to you today.

Mwen sonje w anpil.
I miss you so much

Lè mwen wè w ankò, na pase plis tan ansanm.
When I see you again, we'll spend more time together

          End letter with
          Avèk anpil lanmou, With lots of love,
          Avèk senserite, Sincerely,
          Zanmi ou, Your friend,
          Bondye beni w, God Bless you
          Menaj ou, Your sweetheart,
          Mwen renmen w, I love you,
          Map toujou renmen w, i will always love you
          Se pou gras Bondye avè w, God's grace be with you,
          Kenbe la, Keep it up,

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