Monday, August 1, 2011

I've heard a word or maybe a phrase that sounds like, "tale". What does this mean?The times I've heard it said, it seems to mean, leave me alone or stop it. ps. Your site is the most useful Haitian Creole resource I have found on the web. Thanks!


You may have heard "talè" which is contracted from "toutalè" which means "In a few minutes", "soon", "In a while"

Talè ma fè w rete. - Soon I'll make you stop.
Talè wa wè. - Soon you'll see.
Na pale talè. - We'll talk in a few minutes.

As far as the verb "to stop" is concerned, here are some creole words and expressions that translate it.
Stop - rete, sispann, retanpè, ase, pa bouje, tann

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