Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Preparing Rice with Lima Beans

1 cup of rice (white or brown)
1 cup of water (for white rice)
1 3/4 cup of water (for brown rice)
1/2 cup of coconut milk (may substitute for water or broth)
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup of frozen lima beans
4 tablespoons of  unseasoned tomato sauce (may use 1 large fresh tomato)
2 to 3 tbsp of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Fresh seasoning mix (garlic, green onion, and parsley)

1. Heat up a saucepan, add oil, a pinch of your fresh seasoning mix
2. Add lima beans
3. Sprinkle salt to sizzling lima beans.
4. Add tomato sauce (or fresh tomato)
5. Add coconut milk (may substitute for water or broth)
6. Add water
7. Bring to a boil
8. Stir in rice
9. Once liquid has evaporated, reduce heat, cover pan, and simmer for 20 minutes.

Rice with Lima Beans

Serve with your favorite meat, sauces,
or vegetables


  1. I tried this recipe, turned out good. Se te koupe dwèt. Mesi!

  2. Ayayay mezanmi!
    I'm glad you liked it.
    I hope your fingers are okay :)

  3. You forgot to add that you nee to keep the rice covered until the water evaporates .. not not let it be uncovered and let the water leave

    1. Yes I did. Thank you :)
      Covering the rice will help the slow heat to cook it until it's soft.

      Mèsi anpil :)

    2. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS RECIPE! I'm a beginner when it comes to making Haitian food but this was soo easy to make!

  4. Made last night for lunch this week. Recipe is so easy and the results are delicious

  5. I tried this recipe the first time my rice came out mushy.
    Then I cooked it again and I kept the cover off until most the water was gone ,then I covered it and lowered the heat and cooked it for the 20 min.
    It was wonderful! !thank you:)
    What are the measurments to cook more rice?

    1. For white rice, I like Jasmine rice. It's usually about 1 1/4 cup of water to 1 cup of rice.
      For brown rice, Uncle Ben's would do. Brown rice usually requires more water. it's about 2 cups of water for 1 cup of rice.
      Check the package instruction so you may accurate depending on whether you have short grain or long grain rice.

  6. I've always struggled making rice. I tried this recipe and it was the best rice I ever made. I know with time I will get better. Thank you.

  7. Good day, This recipe is for how many serving? I'm making this recipe to feed 100 guest. What are the accurate measurement?
