Thursday, May 12, 2011

Does the world end on 5/21/11?

I’m surprised Harold Camping did not choose 11/11/11 at 11:11 PM for his prophetic announcement.  It would have been more believable.  Unless this guy is God himself, how could he predict something that the Son of God Himself does not know?

He’s right about one thing.  Whoever dies on that day, natural causes or not, it’s the end of the world for them.  OBL’ s world ended on 5/2/11. 

5/21/11 is definitely the end of Mr. Camping’s world since his credibility will be destroyed that day.

Life renews, but the world does not end.  Life on earth will renew, but it will never be completely destroyed.    The Bible does not talk about “the end”, but it talks about renewment (the New Jerusalem) and transformation (rapture).

Harold Camping is causing his followers undue distress (not to count the devastating effect of losing all their money advertising a fabricated fact). After May 22, Harold Camping and his organization should be sued by his followers for psychological damages and loss of wages and property. I sure hope someone is reading this that can do something about it.

See: Harold Camping Miscalculated Doomsday.


  1. Personally,I despise scammers like him and the best thing he can do for the world is die.I hope with all my heart and soul that he's found dead,tortured and beaten because its what he deserves.

  2. He does need to make monetary restitution to the church members that he's scammed before he dies. I hope they get a good lawyer.

    Are his followers under a spell or something? How could he fool all this people all at once? Isn't there at least one person, at this church, that smells something fishy?
