Friday, May 13, 2011

Harold Camping Miscalculated DOOMSDAY 5/21/2011

This is an urgent message to Mr.  Harold Camping:

You have miscalculated DOOMSDAY again!

God knows that you did your best to calculate the exact time the world would end. 
God knows that you’re only human. 
God knows that you’ve tried in 1994 and failed.
That’s why He’s given you the chance to redeem yourself by CANCELLING 5/21/2011 DOOMSDAY.

The 5 reasons why God wants you to call off DOOMSDAY 2011 are:

1.       God’s time is very precise.  He deals in days and seasons, not westernized years. (example: 3 days, 7 days, 21 days, 49 days)

2.       1 day = 1000 years. (You think that God created the world in 6 days and rested 1 day.  Think about it!  It’s a vast world!  In biblical terms, God created the world in 6000 years and rested 1000 years.)

3.       You forgot to factor the extra days of the leap years in your calculations. (If you based your calculations on the 365-day calendar year, you must add in one extra day for every four years for 2011 years.  That should give you an extra year or two).

4.       You also forgot to factor in the extra hours from that long, long day mentioned in Joshua 10:13.

5.       Don’t forget to add 1,000 years (or 1 day) between “START OF DOOMSDAY” and “END OF DOOMSDAY” as is described in Revelation 20:2-7.

Now, to all of Mr. Camping's followers:
1.    Prophets never foretell the 'wrong date'.
2.       A prophet’s word is written in stone.  So, he can't say, "OOPS, I was wrong."
3.       A prophet never gets a do-over on his predictions.
4.       A prophet’s foresight comes directly from divine revelation, not his own calculations.
5.     No one knows when that day will come, not even the Son of God.
Since Mr. Harold Camping says that 5/21/11 is it, and there's no plan B; he would have to agree, if he's still home on 5/22/11, that he's been LEFT BEHIND.

Hopefully Mr. Camping will not pull a David Koresh Waco-style incident.  The local authorities should keep a close eye on his church and peacefully and respectfully disband any gathering event on the night of 5/21. ...Just to be safe.
There's no telling what one might do if they hopelessly waited for Jesus and He never showed up.  I, sure as hell, would be disappointed, depressed, then distressed.

See:  Does the world end on 5/21/11?


  1. It seems that there is another group on the scene with a new perspective in disputing Camping's prophesies. They make a compelling statement that "Jesus is here now." Check out their website, there is an interesting audio section which I think will stir the pot a bit :

  2. The sad thing is people do get taken into these lies because they do not know the truth.

  3. Thank You. I knew there was something wrong with his calculation. It was that 7th day!

  4. I thought number 4 should be number 1 in this list. How are you going to just "figure it out". God is bigger than math..right?

  5. I believe it will happen one day, it could be today or tomorrow or several years from now. We just have to be ready.

  6. No rapture at any time.That's Biblical.
    Type in Google seven year peace plan .
    Now you see what has to happen first.That is also in the Bible.No worries mate!For those of you who are interested in end times stuff just Google stuff and compare your results with scripture so no one person is trying to misinterpert the Bible.Cya Sunday!

  7. We are living the last days for reall but God said in Matthew this day gonna come like a thief. We just need to get ready just like we securing our doors for a robber who can come anytime.

  8. You summed it up well, live everyday as if it is your last.
