Friday, June 17, 2011

What do you say as a response (if anything) in Kreyol when someone sneezes. As we all know.. we say "God Bless you!" in English. I believe I heard someone in Haiti say a word that started with the letter "A" but Im not sure if it was Kreyol or Franse??

When someone sneezes,

The French people say:
A tes souhaits!(to people you're casual with) - To your wishes!
A vos souhaits! (to people you're not casual with)- To your wishes!
(Rarely) A tes amours! (to people you're close/intimate with) - To your love!

 Haitians say:
Bondye beni w! - God bless you!
(Rarely) A ta sante! - To your health!

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