Tuesday, November 8, 2011

you used "pa m" for "mine"...can you explain this because I thought "pa" also means "not". Your example: Liv sa se pa m.

Yes, "pa" indicates the negative in Haitian Creole.
But, the word "pa" also have other definitions/roles in Creole.
And one of them is to indicate the possessive pronouns.

Pa mwen (uncontracted)
Pa m (contracted)

Pa ou (uncontracted)
Pa w (contracted)

Pa li (uncontracted)
Pa l (contracted)

Pa nou (uncontracted)
Pa n (contracted)

Pa yo


1. This is mine.
Sa se pa mwen.
Sa se pa m.

2. The house is yours.
Kay la se pa ou.
Kay la se pa w.

3. This is yours.
Sa se pa ou an*.
Sa se pa w la*.

* Sometimes you'll see a definite article after the possessive pronoun.
The definite articles will follow a set of rules.  See #3 & #4, the sentences are the same, except that one has a contracted pronoun and the other one does not.  The Creole definite article will change according to the word it follows.

4. This is mine.
Sa se pa mwen an*.
Sa se pa m nan*.

5. This is not mine.
Sa se pa pa mwen an.
Sa se pa pa m nan*.

In example #5, see how the first "pa" indicates the negative, and the second "pa" does not.

6. This is my own food.
Sa se manje pa mwen an.
Sa se manje pa'm nan.

7. Don't sit here. This is my own chair.
Pa chita la. Sa se chèz pa mwen.
Pa chita la. Sa se chèz pa m.

8. Are these your kids?
Eske sa yo se timoun pa ou yo?
Eske sa yo se timoun pa w yo?

Mine Yours and Ours- possessive pronouns
possessive pronouns 2
possesive pronouns 3

The following is FYI only:

FYI:  Other translations/definitions of "pa" in Haitian Creole.

pa  → indicates negative, as in: Mwen pa konprann. - I don't understand

pa → helps to indicate possessive, as in:  Tè sa a se pa m. - This land is mine.

pa (n.) → step, as in: I will take one step every dayM'ap fè yon pa chak jou.

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