Saturday, June 23, 2012

Éske ou ta tradui fraz sa a pou mwen..."Je li yo klere tankou yon balén ki limen nan yon santye la lin nwa"? Mési!

Is it 'lalin nwa' (one word or two?) at the end of that sentence?

"Je li yo klere tankou yon balèn ki limen nan yon santye lalin nwa"
"His/Her eyes are as bright as a candle that lights up a path under a dark moon..."

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference (a work in progress at this time)


  1. Li te ekri kòm de mo pa youn. M te kopye li egzateman tankou li te ekri nan liv ki m'ap li a. Èske sa a chanje siyifikasyon li?

    1. If lalin is two words la lin, there's a slight possibility that it might mean the line .
      But in this sentence lalin (the moon) makes perfect sense as one word.
