Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What is a unique name for a Haitian Creole female?

When it comes to names, what's unique to me might not be unique to you... Especially since we have different backgrounds (it seems).
It looks like you are asking about UNCOMMON HAITIAN CREOLE PROPER NAMES for a girl.  Is that right?
Unique names in Haiti tend to not be of Haitian origins.  But then again some Haitians parents do name their kids after ...events in their lives.
Here are a few unique Haitian Creole girl's names (some are my friends') that you might be surprised to hear:
Sia (this name literally means 'the saw')
Poukisa ( literally  'why')
Timizè (literally 'little misery')
Nadiyo (literally 'we'll tell them')
Selavi (literally 'That's life')
Tifiyèt  (literally ' little girl')
Dòmita (literally 'sleep late')
Krazebwa (literally 'break wood')

I don't think I could ever forgive my parents if they gave me  the last name on the list :)
Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words