Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Glad to see this blog. My children grandmother speaks Creole and trying to teach them some basic. Where should I start?

Glad to meet you :)

How old are the kids?  Do they spend a lot of time with their grandmother?  Does their grandmother speak mostly Creole and some English?  Does she speak Creole to them? Perhaps you may reinforce (in your home) the Creole phrases that they learn at their grandmother's by repeating it to them at the dinner table,in the car on the way to school, or as you say good night at bedtime.  You may also post on the door of your fridge, each week, a couple of Creole words or sentences you want them to master for that particular week. Also there are some great children's books at the Haitian bookstores (  A Haitian Creole bedtime story would be awesome (even if they hear the same story every night :)
Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words

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