Thursday, April 18, 2013

M' fèk li yon pakèt pawòl nan kèk ti kont Kreyòl (pi presize nan kat kont) ki m' pa ka jwenn yo nan Google (oubyen si m' te jwenn yon signifikasyon li pa fè sans). Tanpri souple èske w' ta ede-m? Men yo ye: 1. kalbas (pou pòte dlo) 2. Kòmè 3. Mouri frèt 4. Rechany 5. Kichòy 6. Manzè 7. Palto 8. Woukoutoukoutou tanmanniga (nan yon chante). 9. Li pa tande pe menm. 10. Òfelin 11. Rale (lè yon figi rale). 12. Bòs (nan yon do) pitikouya sarafino (yon chante) 13. Koube. 14. Bagèt. 15. Lougawou 16. Modi 17. Douvan 18. Miri 19. Rigwaz 20. Kranponnen Mèsi mèsi

Hi :)
When you say "Here they are", no need to add "ye".
We simply say:  Men yo. (Here they are.)

 1. kalbas (pou pòte dlo)  → calabash, gourd.  The Calabash is of the gourd family of vegetables.  They are usually oval shaped, or as round as a medium pumpkin or squash.  They are picked, gutted through a small hole at the spot where the stem would be, dried and used as water container.  Beggars sometimes cut them in half after they are gutted, and use them as a bowl to beg for money or food.  It is also call a kwi when it's in a bowl shape. Poor people use those as plates to eat also.  Some people use them as a bowl to feed dogs.

2. Kòmè (or makòmè) → female friend, female buddy

3. Mouri frèt  (or mouri sibit) → to die cold, to die suddenly

4. Rechany (or derechany) → a spare, extra parts, clothes, extra clothes

5. Kichòy  (or bagay) → thing, something
a. Mwen gen yon kichòy pou ou.
    I have something for you.

 b. Ban m yon ti kichòy.
    Give me something.

 c.  Mwen pa gen kichòy pou m ba ou.
      I don't have nothing to give you.

  d. Fè yon ti kichòy pou mwen.
      Do something for me.

6. Manzè (or Manmzèl, mademwazèl, madmwazèl) → unmarried woman, Miss.
  a. Manzè Sarah malad.
      Miss Sarah is ill.

7. Palto  → a jacket, a parka

8. Woukoutoukoutou tanmanniga (nan yon chante).  → not a meaningful word
     "WoukoutoukoutouIt's the noise that a dove or pigeon would make
     "tanmanniga (or tanmiga, or tanmigamiga)" is not a meaningful word (at least not in Creole),         people might use it in songs.  It might mimic the beating of a drum.

9. Li pa tande pe menm.
    He doesn't want to quiet down / stop at all.
    a. pe (verb) → to quiet down
    b. Li pe. → He quieted down.
    c. Tanpri, pe la. → please be quiet

10. Òfelin  → orphan

11. Rale (lè yon figi rale).
      a. rale → too pull
      b. figi rale → long face, face that looks depressed, sad, chagrined
      c. Poukisa figi w rale konsa?
          Why such a long face?

12. Bòs (nan yon do) 
      "Bòs" is a hump
      "Bòs nan yon do" is a hump in the back
      We also say do bosi hunchback

13. Koube
      to bow

      a. Do koube → having a curvature of the spine
       b. yon granmou k'ap mache do koube
           an old person walking with a curved back

       c. Mwen koube devan ou.
           I bow before you.

14. Bagèt → a stick
       a. yon bagèt pen → a stick of bread
       b. yon bagèt, yon bagèt maji → a wand
       c. Bagèt pye l byen long.
           Her skinny legs are long

15. Lougawou  → (lit. werewolf) evil people that go out at night with evil intentions.  It is said that they shed their skins and turn into all sort of animals (dogs, frogs, cats, ...). They are every kid's "monster under the bed" in Haiti. It's also a sorcerer.  Lougawou are also called zobob, dyab, chanpwèl, sanpwèl, move je, manbo, hougan.   

16. Modi   → to be cursed, or to curse (lay a curse on)
      a. Ou se yon moun ki modi.
          You are cursed.

      c. Bondye te modi li.
          God cursed him.

17. Douvan (or devan) → in front, in front of, forward
       a. N'ap vanse douvan.
           We're moving forward.

18. Miri → to mature, to become ripe

19. Rigwaz  → is a whip made of cow hide for disciplining kids usually.  They are sold at the Haitians market

20. Kranponnen   → to scare, to intimidate, to be intimidated

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words

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