Thursday, April 18, 2013

Pafwa lè m' li nouvèl-la m wè yo ekri non peyi-yo nan plizyè fason. Pa egzamp lè yo ekri United States yon fwa yo ekri 'Lezetazini' lòt fwa 'etazini' epi lòt fwa tou 'Ozetazini'. Yo trete lòt non peyi yo konsa tou. Ki lès ki diferans-la ant chak youn?

That's a direct results of the French spelling.
French for United States is Etats Unis, thus the H. Creole term Etazini.
French for THE United States is Les Etats Unis, thus H. Creole term Lèzetazini.
and French for IN THE United States is Aux Etats Unis, thus the H. Creole term Ozetazini

many other Haitian Creole words are a combination of French definite article (le, la, les),  French prepositions (à, a la, aux) and French terms.
orevwa (from French Au revoir) → goodbye
ozanj (from French aux anges)→ to be elated
ozabwa (from French aux abois) → to be desperate
alafen (from French à la fin) → finally
alamen (from French à la main) → by hand
lajounen (from French la journée) →  day

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