Friday, May 24, 2013

Hi Mandaly, I have quick question about "and" in Creole. I'll be doing a year-long global health fellowship in Thomassique in exactly 3 weeks and have started learning a bit of Creole. I'm confused about when I should use epi, e, ak as "and." Is "epi" used only connecting two sentences? I've also seen "ak used as "and" though I was taught ak primarily means "with." Thanks for the great blog - It's been a huge help!

Great!  I wish you a good stay in Thomassique.  By the time your fellowship is done you'll be speaking Creole like a native :)

These are some Haitian Creole words for "and":

ak, avè, avèk (which primarily mean "with") → and
ak, avè, and avèk are better used when connecting two objects, or two words (as if you were saying "together with")

1. manman m ak papa m
    manman m enpi papa m ("my mom and then my dad" - "enpi" will also work here)
    manman m e papa m (we do not usually use "e" to connect two words.  It feels more natural to use "ak"," avè " or "avèk")
    my mom and my dad

2. Mwen te ale nan magazen an.  Mwen te achte yon liv avèk yon kreyon.
    I went to the store.  I bought a book and a pencil.

3. Ou menm avè frè w la sanble tèt koupe.
    You and your brother look very much alike.

epi or enpi and, and then, then, so therefore
epi or enpi can be used to connect two sentences, clauses, or words

4. Li vini, li manje enpi li pati ankò.  Li pa te gen tan repoze.
    She came, she ate and then she left again.  She did not have time to rest.
    She came, she ate and she left again.  She did not have time to rest.

5.  An nou priye enpi n'a manje.
     Let's pray and then we'll eat.

6. Mwen renmen zoranj, chadèk, enpi seriz tou.
    Mwen renmen zoranj, chadèk, ak seriz tou. ("ak, avè, or avèk" will work here)
    Mwen renmen zoranj, chadèk e seriz tou. ("e" will work here)
    I like oranges, grapefruits, and also cherries.

e → and, and then, and also (connects clauses and sentences, but not usually "two"words)
7.  Mwen te wè li e mwen panse li te wè m tou.
     I saw her and I think she saw me too.

8.  Si ou te ale e pale avèk li, mwen panse li ta bon.
      If you went and talked to her, I think it would be good.
     I think it would be good if you went and talked to her.

9. Li pati e li pa janm retounen.
    He left and never came back.

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words

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