Friday, May 24, 2013

I am a medical interpreter and have gotten stuck on translating several terms into Creole: 1) "Physical exertion" (as in: "Do you get the chest pain during physical exertion?") 2) Eye discharge 3)Penile/vaginal discharge (don't know how to say this in a way that is clear but polite). Mesi anpil!!!

Physical exertion → zefò fizik, gwo efò fizik, gwo zefò

"Do you get the chest  pain during physical exertion?"
"Eske ou gen doulè nan pwatrin ou lè w'ap fè gwo zefò?"

discharges → sekresyon, pi, likid

Do you have eye discharges?
Eske zye w fè pi?
Eske zye w fè dlo?
Eske zye w fè anpl lasi?

vaginal discharges → sekresyon vajinal
You will probably have to use bouboun or foufoun for children and if you suspect that the person may not fully understand the Creole word vajen.

Do you have vaginal discharges?
Eske ou gen anpil sekresyon nan vajen ou?
Eske vajen ou bay anpil likid?

Do you have penile discharges?
Eske ou gen anpil sekresyon an penis ou?
Eske penis ou bay anpil likid?
For children you might use the word pijon for penis.

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words


  1. Educa Vision publishes a Haitian Creole English medical dictionary, but I don't know how good it is.
    If you have money to spend, an interesting book to read is Where There Is No Doctor. It's also available in Haitian Creole: Kote Ki Pa Gen Dokte. (The last letter in Dokte gets an accent.) This book is a treasure of medical information. It helps to have English AND Haitian Creole editions, to clarify when you aren't sure of the meaning of a passage. It's good reading, clearly illustrated with drawings, and is the bible for giving medical help when you're far from clinics and hospitals.

    1. Thank you Miss, I'll check it out.

  2. There's also an English/Haitian Creole Medical Dictionary by Maude Heurtelou and Fequiere Vilsaint from EDUCA VISION. It has some of the terms in there.

    But I do not like their translation for the term "vaginal discharge".
    Makes me wonder about some of the other translations.

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