Sunday, September 15, 2013

Mandaly, I recently ordered a DVD of the Defense Language Institute's Haitian Language instruction. It contained five volumes of text with accompanying audio. However, the audio, which was originally recorded in the 1970's, has degraded and I have been unable to find a usable copy. The audio is free on line, but after the twelfth of fifty lessons, it becomes totally indecipherable and the early lessons are muddy. The Defense Language Institute tells me they do not sell the DVD and they no longer have the original materials, as tons of things were dumped to make room for new stuff in their warehouse. It's sad! Can you put out the word for me, I'm searching for a good copy of the audio portion. I already printed up the text of the five volumes - but it's much better for me to study with an audio component! THANKS, and regards, DORY DICKSON, Haitian Migrant Worker Outreach

The word is out Dory : )

I hope you can find a good copy of the audio.  I wish that someone had thought to preserve the recording digitally.
Dory wrote:

 Mandaly,  I recently ordered a DVD of the Defense Language 
Institute's Haitian Language instruction.  It contained five volumes of text 
with accompanying audio.  However, the audio, which was originally recorded in 
the 1970's, has degraded and I have been unable to find a usable copy.  The 
audio is free on line, but after the twelfth of fifty lessons, it becomes 
totally indecipherable and the early lessons are muddy.  The Defense Language 
Institute tells me they do not sell the DVD and they no longer have the original 
materials, as tons of things were dumped to make room for new stuff in their 
warehouse.  It's sad!  Can you put out the word for me, I'm searching for a good 
copy of the audio portion.  I already printed up the text of the five volumes - 
but it's much better for me to study with an audio component!  THANKS, and 
regards, DORY DICKSON, Haitian Migrant Worker Outreach

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words



  1. I too have the Haitian Creole course from the
    Foreign Service Institute (FSI), but the audio
    leaves much to be desired. I believe this is
    the same institute as the Defense Language Institute (DLI). The written part of the course
    has been helpful to me though.

    FSI has sold the copyrights of all their language courses to an individual (his name is not on the website) who has digitally remastered
    all of them but Haitian Creole. I spoke with this individual about a year ago to find out if
    he was going to remaster the Haitian Creole
    course, and he told me (at that time) that there was not enough demand for it, but he would keep it in mind and possibly redo it.
    His website is:
    in the event he does. All of the language courses on this website cost $19.95 each, and
    hopefully he will include Haitian Creole at some point.

    Kreyol Lwizyan

    1. Well I guess we're going to have to keep calling until the Haitian Creole part is done :)

      I'll put some calls too.


  2. Oh, by the way, I purchased the French and Spanish courses for a review of those two languages from FSI, and they are excellently
    remastered audio; hopefully he will redo HC.
    I have not had the time to go through them as
    of yet, because I am concentrating solely on HC.

    Kreyol Lwizyan

  3. John Rachal,

    The cassette tape originals may be too degraded for any remastering to work - but I'll send him a strong-hearted plea! Thanks so much for the information. And, Mandaly, your site is probably the ONLY place for this kind of forum, where serious learners can share what they know. Thanks to both of you.

