Saturday, November 23, 2013

I had it ALL wrong in the beginning. Sorry. I thought the speaker was saying something else. Anyway, do Creoles say "W isit la.", or "Ou isit la."? Tou, ki fom ki itilize plis: "out", "dawou", "dawout" oswa "dout" pou "August"? Ki youn ta dwe mwen sevi ak? Yon gran mesi

In reference to :
When they speak you will hear “W isit la.”.   It will sound like “wi-sit-la”.
But when they write, it’s not common to have W at the beginning of the sentence.

We use “out” and “dout” more.
Some people say Dawou or Dawout.  It happens often enough.  You will see it a lot in songs and poems, etc….

I don’t think you’ll find “dout” in a dictionary for the month of August.  It is from the French pronunciation of D’Août.  Nevertheless we do say “dout”.

An example:
Mwen fè an out.
Mwen fèt nan mwa out.
Mwen fèt nan mwa dout.
Mwen fèt nan mwa Dawou.
Are all correct for “I was born in the month of August”

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words

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