Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Mandaly. I have 2 questions pertaining to the same subject. Nan fraz yo: "Ou ka achte yon jilet aswe a." ak "Ou pa ka achte jilet aswe a." Is it right that in negative statements you do not use "yon"; if so, is it all the time in this manner for correct Kreyol? My other question is: "M pa ka." ak "Ou pa ka."; I thought you could not use a contracted form at the end of a sentence. Or, is this an exception to the rule in proper Kreyol? I realize that there are grammatical exceptions (if this is the case), but I do not want to sound like a hillbilly speaking Kreyol. Mesi anpil.


Answer to the first question:
No.  Using “yon” or not will have to depend on whether you’re talking about non-specific nouns and how many of these “non-specific” nouns you’re referring to or are you using a general term for them.

You can actually say  “M pa’t ka menm achte yon grenn  jilèt aswè a“.I could not even buy one single blade tonight.
Other examples:
M pa gen yon dola sou mwen. – I don’t have a dollar on me.
Pa gen yon kretyen vivan nan lari a aswè a. – There’s not a single soul in the street tonight.
M konnen se yon papiyon ou wè lè w gade imaj la. Mwen menm m pa wè yon papiyon, se yon fèy mwen wè. – I know you see a butterfly when you look at the image. As for me I don’t see a butterfly, I see a leaf.
So you ARE able to use “yon” in negative sentences.

And you will not use “yon” if you’re using a non-specific noun in general term or if it’s plural, etc....
For example.
M pa bezwen jilèt.  - I don't need blades.
M pa wè moun deyò a. - I don't see anyone outside
Nou gen kola pou tout moun. - We have sodas for everyone

Answer to the second question.

You are right.  You should say “M pa kapab” instead.
"kapab" will go at the end of the sentence instead of "ka".

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words

1 comment:

  1. Pimsleur.... :) I wondered the same. Thanks.
