Friday, August 1, 2014

Like I’ve said before, isn’t it a waste of time to learn Creole to communicate with Haitians when you can learn French and be equipped to communicate with Haitians and peoples from hundreds of countries.

Though you make a lot of sense, in 2010 the youth group leader from a church planned a visit to Haiti. They downloaded a lot of materials in French and translated a lot of the sentences to be used in conversation for games especially (like soccer, basketball, jumping ropes, etc..) – and had a hard time getting understood – they had to use a Haitian Creole interpretor and could not use any of the French materials they brought with them. Isnt it better to communicate with the people in a language they understand so that the people are comfortable communicating with you too?
Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words


  1. Haiti is not francophone. Haiti is Haitian(-Creole)ophone. This is something to be proud of, a testimony of the creativity and intellect of Haiti's ancestors - a group of people from different linguistic communities, forced together and enslaved, who created a new language to intercommunicate and eventually liberate themselves.

    Haiti and the international community's dealings with Haiti will be much better off once this is understood and celebrated.

    I have just spent several months in France, and honestly, I think Haiti is as francophone as France is anglophone.

    Yes, most people in France know some English. Many people in Haiti know some French. By presuming it is ok to use only English in France, you are dismissive of the cultural legitimacy of their language.

    If you presume it is ok to use only French in Haiti, you are dismissive of the cultural legitimacy of Haitian Creole.


    (Bonjou ankò Mandaly. Demen m prale Ayiti. Maintenant je peux parler un peu de français, mais bien sûr je suis encore 100% créolist)

  2. It would be hard to imagine that one could have spent any time in Haiti and think that you do not need Haitian(Creole) in Haiti. Once in the country it becomes apparent that learning both Kreyol and French is best. They are not the same. A French friend of ours sat through a church service in Kreyol and admitted that he did not understand at least half of what was spoken. Yet, because he knew French he was able to learn Kreyol very quickly.

    1. Yes. French and Kreyòl are two different languages. And, knowing French is an advantage when trying to learn Creole, not just Haitian Creole. Thanks.
