Thursday, April 23, 2015

Here is what I wrote in Creole and it was apparently incomprehensible to my Haitian friend. Can you tell me what I did wrong? ...

You said:
"Here is what I wrote in Creole and it was
apparently incomprehensible to my Haitian friend. Can you tell me what I did

Mwen pa te ka mande nou anvan paske mwen pa te konn kijan ou di
kourvreli nan Kreyol.  Mwen te chawzi li espesyalman pou li.  Mwen te eseye di'w
anvan, mwen pa konnen mo a "bedspread".  Kounyea mwen konnen ou di li"kouvreli".
Mwen pa ka mande ou si ou renemn sila a paske mwen pa konnen mo sa.  

tell me how you would say this so it can be understood:  

I couldn't ask you
before because I didn't know how to say "bedspread" in Creole.  I chose the
bedspread especially for her.  I tried to ask you about it before but I didn't
know the word for bedspread.  Now I know that it is called a kouvreli.  I
coudn't ask you if she liked it because I didn't know the word for it. "

Mandaly said:

You did a pretty good job with the Creole there. The only difference I could bring up is that I would have used more short forms: 
“Mwen pa t ka mande w anvan paske mwen pa t konnen kouman yo di 'kouvreli' an Kreyòl. Mwen te chwazi kouvreli a espesyalman pou ou. Mwen te eseye mande w sa anvan men mwen pa t konnen konnen kouman pou m di 'kouvreli'. Kounye a mwen konnen se kouvreli yo di. Mwen pa t ka mande w si w te renmen li paske mwen pa t konnen kouman pou m di l.

Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words

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