Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Is "asistans" correctly translated as "help", as "attendance", or both?

more like: help, support, relief, sustenance, or even helping hand

Ask me anything


  1. In that case, is there a good word for "attendance" ("assistance" in French), as in "attendance dropped after the first time" / "asistans la te bèse apre prèmye fwa a".

  2. Oh, I see.
    You mean "asistans" as in "audience".

    In that case, you could say:
    Patisipasyon an te bese apre premye fwa a.
    Atandans lan te bese apre premye fwa a.
    Nonm asanble a te bese apre premye rankont lan.

    Is it church attendance, school, or a kind of membership thing?

  3. I was thinking of attendance at a concert or a church service. Would you also use "asiste" as "to help" rather than "to attend"?

  4. Yes, the Creole word "atandans" will work well for a concert or church audience.

    And yes, "asiste" can be used to translate "to assist" and "to help"

    Chapo ba.
