Saturday, January 28, 2012

"pito" means "rather"?

Pito (v.), also Pi pito  → to prefer

Mwen pito mache pase pou m kondwi.
I rather walk than to drive.

Nou pito mouri pase pou n viv kou esklav.
We rather die than to live as slaves.

Nou pi pito ale nan lekòl sa.
We  prefer to go to this school.

Pito at the end of a sentence could mean instead.

Li pa't anvi fè manje.  Li mennen nou nan yon restoran pito.
He did not want to cook.  He took us to a restaurant instead.

Nou te ale Nou Yòk pito.
We went to New York instead.

Mwen te manje yon ponm pito.
I ate an apple instead.

When pito begins a sentence, it means it's better that.

Pito mwen ale kounye a.
It's better that I go now.

Pito w retounen lajan an tande!
It's better that you give the money back.

Pito ou pale ak pitit gason ou la sou koze a.
It's better that you talk to your son on the subject.

When pa pito begins a sentence, it means why don't...

Pa pito nou kòmanse travay la.
Why don't we start the job.

Pa pito n'al nan magazen an anvan yo fèmen.
Why don't we go to the store before they close.

Pa pito nou tann apre vwayaj la pou nou ta marye.
Why don't we wait after the trip to get married.

Li gentan fè nwa.  Pa pito nou retounen lakay.
It's already dark.  Why don't we get back home.

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