Sunday, May 19, 2013

Yon machin ize onswa yon machin nèf? (AUDIO)

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-Bonswa madam, kisa m ka fè pou ou jodi a?
 Hello ma'am, what can I do for you today?

-Bonswa mesye! M’ap chache achte yon machin nèf.
 Good afternoon sir! I'm looking to buy a new car.

-Ah! ou vini bon kote.  Ki kalite machin w’ap chèche?  Yon touteren?
 You've come to the right place.   What type of car are you looking for?  An SUV?

-Non, mwen bezwen yon ti machin ekonomik.
 No, I need a small economical car.

-Dakò. M kapab ede w ak sa. Nou genyen plizyè bèl ti machin nan sal ekspozisyon nou an.  M sèten ou va jwenn sa w'ap chache a.   Kijan kredi ou ye?
 Oke.  I can help you with that.  We have many nice little cars in our showroom.  I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for.  How's your credit?

- Mwen poko etabli kredi isi.  Mwen se yon nouvo rezidan.
   I haven't yet established credit here.  I'm a new resident.

-Ah mwen wè.  Ki kote w te abite avan sa?
  Ah I see. Where did you live before that?

- Anvan sa mwen te abite Ayiti.
 Before that I lived in Haiti.

-Donk, ou fèk vin abite nan peyi a?
  So, you just came to live in the country?


-Mwen wè.  Eske w’ap travay?
  I see. Are you  working?

-Wi, mwen apenn jwenn yon dyòb.  Se pousa mwen bezwen yon machin pou m ka fè trajè travay la.
  Yes, I just found a job.  That's why I need a car to do the work commute.

-Nan peyi bò isit, achte yon machin san w ponko gen ni dosye kredi, ni antesedan travay ka difisil anpil, preske enposib,  sèlsi ou ta vle peye lajan kontan.
In this country, buying a car without having a credit or work history can be very difficult, almost impossible, unless you would want to pay cash.

-O non! m pa kwè m’ap gen mwayen peye kach pou yon machin nèf!  
  Oh no! I don't think I'll have the means to pay cash for a new car! 

-Sanble ou gen lide w fikse sou yon machin nèf.  Poukisa w pa achte yon machin dezyèm men?
   It seems you have your mind set on a new car.  Why don't you buy a second-hand car? 

-Ah! Machin dezyèm men se traka!  Lè w achte yon machin konsa, se tèt chaje yon lòt moun w achte.
  Second-hand cars are trouble!  When you buy such a car, you're buying someone else's headache.  

-Non non, se pa toujou vre.  Nou gen anpil machin ize ki efikas menm jan ak yon machin nèf. Ou mèt eseye youn.  W'a wè pou tèt pa'w.
 Oh no, That's not always true. We have many used cars that are as efficient as a new car.  You may test drive one.  You'll see for yourself.

-Men wi.  Mwen ta renmen fè sa.
  Sure.  I'd love to do that.

-Ki kalite machin ou ta renmen eseye?
  What type of car would you like to test drive?

-Mwen ta renmen eseye yon machin ki resan, ki dirab, ki pa gen anpil mileyaj sou li, ki p’ap lage m nan lari, ki bèl ni anndan ni deyò, e fò l ta gen garanti.
 I'd like to try a car that is recent, durable, with low mileage, that will not leave me stranded, which is pretty inside and out, and it must have warranty.

- Ou konn sa w vle.  Kòm mwen di w, ou vini bon kote.  Nou genyen machin w'ap chache a.  Vin al eseye li.
   You do know what you want.  Like I said, you've come to the right place.. I have the car that you're looking for.  Let's go try it out.

-Dakò mèsi mesye.
 Okay.  Thank you sir.

Track:  Lajan sa a by Manno Charlemagne
  Haitian Creole ↔ English Reference, Look up Haitian Creole and English Words


  1. Awesome !
    Kamsa hamnida
    (감사합니다) in Korean

  2. Mesi anpil for printing with
    large letters for English part !
    You are the best !
    (kamsa hamnida)

  3. Oh, I LOVE this. I read it in Creole, understanding most of it, and checking the English where I didn't know all the words. Next, I'm going to listen to it.
    *Hello also to Anonymous who says kamsa hamnida; I used to study Korean and I still have many lovely Korean books and CDs. For now, I am studying only Creole, trying to make headway!!

  4. Oh! I forgot, you have music at the conclusion of the audio lesson.
    Good stories like this make studying fun.
    It's easy to picture the conversation taking place in the showroom of a car dealership.
    This dialog reminds me of the charming back and forth between husband and wife, in Lesson 13, "At the Market," in your book, Haitian Creole for Speakers of English.

  5. How would you say vw beetle bug in kreyol....VW Zege ou...? lol
    sa fe lontan, wi Manda...mwen sonje ou anpil anpil e mwen espere tout bagay mache byen ak ou e fanmi pa w!!!

    1. Mwen anfòm kou bas, mèsi :)
      Zege is for the bug, not the car
      We do say Volksvagen :)

  6. oh oh eske bas vle di gita oubyen tanbou ;) :)
    oke, yo te rele li volksvagen..mwen te panse moun ayiti gen kek ti non pou li..isit la, an kroasi, pep yo rele li buba (bug ou zege)
    Ki machin ou pito? mwen sipoze ou kondui yon machin...

    1. Mezanmi o, Kreyòl ou se Kreyòl rèk! Anfòm!

      Men wi! “bas” se “gita bas”.
      Se yon ekspresyon li ye: anfòm kou bas.

      Mwen pito woule gwo machin. Konsa mwen gen anpil pwoteksyon lè m’ap kondui :)

      Kounye a m’ap kondui yon machin Toyota 4Runner. Machin sa a ofri anpil anpil pwoteksyon. Mwen te fè yon gwo aksidan mwa pase. Yon mesye ki t’ap kondui yon gwo jeep te frape dèyè machin mwen. Apre mesye a frape mwen, machin mwen pèdi kontwòl nan lari a nèt! Paske mwen te gen yon gwo machin, mwen te chape. Si’m t’ap kondui yon ti machin tou piti, aksidan an ta grav anpil :)
      Machin mwen an te kraze, men asirans mesye a te remèt mwen menm machin nan.
